
EMVA is a member-owned association. The members guide the development, goals and activities of the association through their elected Board of Directors, comprised of industry representatives working voluntarily and free-of-charge- for an election period of three years.

Any legal entity which so desires and whose activity is directly or indirectly related to machine vision may become a member of the association. With this inclusive approach, EMVA is open to all kind of organizations, including companies, research institutes, universities, consultancies, media, associations.

RAUSCHER GmbH – Systemberatung für Computer und angewandte Grafik
Die industrielle, technische und wissenschaftliche Bildverarbeitung zählt international zu den Branchen mit überdurchschnittlichem Wachstum. Die RAUSCHER GmbH ist seit 1973 ein erfolgreiches Vertriebsunternehmen in diesem Bereich. Das Produktspektrum umfasst alles rund um die Bildverarbeitung: Kameras, Framegrabber, Software, Beleuchtung, Objektive, Kabel ... read more
Roboception GmbH
Roboception is a pioneer in the field of 3D sensor technology with innovative hardware and software products: The Munich-based company enables robots to see and thus provides key elements for the forward-looking and flexible automation solutions of Industry 4.0. Roboception's ... read more