EMVA 1288 Training Courses

Special Conditions offered to EMVA Members

Training courses given at AEON and FRAMOS this year by the chair of the EMVA 1288 standardization committee for camera characterization, Prof. Bernd Jähne from Heidelberg University, are offered with substantial rebate for EMVA members. The courses provide the necessary knowledge to image processing persons about image sensors, and give first-hand insight into the EMVA 1288 standard with the required theoretical background and many practical examples and demonstrations on basic and advanced level.

The first series of courses takes place 16., 17. and 18. February at AEON, Hanau, Germany.
Given in German language the handouts can be provided either in German or English language.

Each course may be booked seperately, find the details at:




FRAMOS, located in Taufkirchen, Germany, is offering courses on EMVA 1288 held by EMVA Board Member Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne taking place:



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